Linux debian iso
Debian is a Linux kernel based operating systems. Debian is one of the free Linux operating system for use with GNU license.
Debian is a 'kernel independent', ie the Debian operating system developed without basing purely on operating systems that already exist.
Debian was first introduced by Ian Murdoch, a student from Purdue University, USA, on August 16, 1993, the name of Debian derived from a combination of ex-girlfriend Debra's name and his name is Ian.
The Debian Project grew slowly at first and released a version 0.9x in 1994 and 1995. The transfer to other than the i386 architecture begins By 1995. Version 1.x was started in 1996.
Ditahun 1996, Bruce Perens replaced Ian Murdoch as Project Leader. In the same year the debian developer Ean Schuessler, took the initiative to form the Debian Social Contract and Debian Free Software Guidelines, providing a basic standard of commitment to the development of the debian distribution. He also formed the organization "Software in the Public Interest" to overshadow debian legally and law.
In late 2000, a project to make changes in the debian archive and release management. And in the same year the developers started an annual conference and workshop "debconf".
On April 8, 2007, Debian GNU / Linux 4.0 released with code name "Etch". Release the latest version of Debian, 2009, code-named "Lenny".
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Linux debian iso
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